Monday 19 December 2011

Monday 5 December 2011

Script Writing- At The Park

LINDA is on her way to meet up with CHANTE at the park, it was an urgent call since it is bad news. CHANTE is sitting down at the bench all alone waiting for LINDA to tell her what was the urgent call about. LINDA arrives at the park and calmly sits next to CHANTE.
Hey girl, what was the urgent call about? Oh My Gosh, let me guess (pause) you bought a new outfit for tonight! About time your mum gave you some extra money! Guess who’s going to be there? No need to guess, im going to tell you, my sweet heart Boyfriend (Big Smile)
(Acts like that was the reason)How did you know?! That was meant to be a surprise!! Right your ‘sweet heart’ boyfriend is going to be there.(looks around)
Hello it’s my birthday party! How can i not guess that! (looks at LINDA face to face) something is telling me that’s not the reason why you called me urgently....
(High voice) what? Noo! (Cough coughs normal voice)I don’t really like your new boyfriend. I mean like i don’t want you to have a broken heart again, the last one was terrible, you get what I’m saying?
Oh Gosh! When will you ever let me live my happy life with him! Its been 2 months now! Everything has been great, he is always checking up on me, you know what NORMAL boyfriends would do

(Interrupts CHANTE talking fast) I’ve been spying on him for a couple of days which i know it was wrong but, i saw him with another girl kissing on a Friday night down the corner around there (points). And that girl was.....
LINDA who was it? If you don’t tell me now i will literally jump to conclusion and i shall think it was you....
It was MEL, i saw her flirting with him and she crossed the line by kissing him, but he never stopped her, it was almost as if he was enjoying it, you’re my best friend i had to tell you before it was too late and you find out that i knew and i never told you.
(Looks down at the ground depressed nothing to say)
Come on its better if we go home, to your house so i can keep in company with you, to help you cheer up.
(Looks up with a small smile, nods head)

Get The Look

This is my work on 'Get The Look' i have used yet again Photo shop, and the tools that i have used was masking, because i need to get rid of the background from the actual image it self, i have also used text so i can write down the information as if it was an actual magazine itself advertising clothes to buy.

Russell Brand and Katy Perry 150 words

Pop star Katy Perry and British comedian Russell Brand spent their first night as man and wife surrounded by armed guards after a tiger gate crashed their Indian wedding at the Ranthambore sanctuary which was set near a jungle. The male predator, which has killed three people in the past two years, scaled two walls at the wedding venue after being attracted by the noise and lights at the star-studded event. It was finally beaten away by guards as it tried to jump a third wall just 50ft from the newlyweds and their 85 guests. The 25-year-old singer, who already owns a slightly smaller domestic cat called Kitty Purry, will leave Machli to prowl in her jungle home and the money Brand paid for her will be invested in the tiger's welfare and the park's conservation schemes. It was said that Katy Perry and Russell Brand wanted the wedding private.

Monday 7 November 2011

Lady Gaga Text Wrap

This is my Lady Gaga Text work that i made instead of using photoshop i had used InDesign. This was something i have not tried before so it was a little bit difficult to me but i got a bit of help with this work which help me understand more. We had 3 options on a lady gaga picture i chose this one because i thought myself that it would stand out more since the red light with her black dress and the way she is posing. i used the 3 column for the writing to fit in, and the way i manage to bring in all of that writing was by going to type and click on fill with place holder text. unfortunately i cant remember what i have used to make the writing avoid lady gaga on the image.

Monday 10 October 2011

Fashion Frame

This is my work of Fashion Frame, I have masked  the inside of the frame because there was a lake with a house disturbing me in order for me to import the images. So i have importeed images Dresses, bags shoes etc... right after i have imported them, i masked the images straight away since i dont want the white outline disturbing the other image thats it trying to go on top of the other.

Right after i have imported the cloud image on top of the frame, adding a text saying 'The Beautyness Of Out Going Clothing' and then i put the images in order then im done.

Friday 7 October 2011


This is the work i made for rhianna 'Vibe' and the most of all reason why theres barley enough writing is because, when i added the blue background colours and headline it made me think, if that can stand out, then whats the point of adding alot of writing so put about the BRITS awards.
Now for this magazine cover i have managed to use at least a couple of different tools than the one i have used on the other two that i have made. The tools are: Magic wand tool/ quick tool, Text tool, Free transform/ Flip horizontal, Importing an image, Duplicate tool and Masking tool. that should mostly be it after everything i have manage to do, to complete this.The Work for this was a bit challenging but its now completed. Also the way i got the background i had to search for the perfect type of picture that will go right.  

Thursday 29 September 2011


I chose Beyonce as my celebrity magazine front cover. yet again like my other post i have used PhotoShopCs4 in order for me to do this magazine cover, i have used these kind of tools: Magic Wand, Text, Brush Tool, Mask Mode and extra more. I did almost everything the same as my Kanye West magazine but, i imported a shape like them magazines have them big circles that we normally see.
I have used 2 colours which are Black & Blue, the reason why i used them two colours are because in this picture beyonce is wearing blue jeans so i thought it would match, also why i black is because at the background i put a bright colour that can match as brown, so i put black since the colours with black and blue make a good combination with the writing meanwhile brown should be at least a background so everything can fit in. Lastly i have added a barcode like every magazine have. 

Monday 19 September 2011

Kanye West

I used PhotoShop Cs4 in order for me to create this magazine cover, i just used kind of tools, For example: The Magic wand tool/ The quick tool  for me to cut out the background and add in a different background and etc.... i used creative colours to match the picture of kanye west, which in order i wanted it to stand out, put i only used 2 colours to it wouldnt look to much. I also used ruler so the text on the cover of the magazine is equal instead of being to close to the edge.

what i also used to make my magazine cover was cutting and pasting; i need to cut the magazine so i can adding something different to make the cover seem real, like it was world wide magazine 'source' top.