Monday 5 December 2011

Script Writing- At The Park

LINDA is on her way to meet up with CHANTE at the park, it was an urgent call since it is bad news. CHANTE is sitting down at the bench all alone waiting for LINDA to tell her what was the urgent call about. LINDA arrives at the park and calmly sits next to CHANTE.
Hey girl, what was the urgent call about? Oh My Gosh, let me guess (pause) you bought a new outfit for tonight! About time your mum gave you some extra money! Guess who’s going to be there? No need to guess, im going to tell you, my sweet heart Boyfriend (Big Smile)
(Acts like that was the reason)How did you know?! That was meant to be a surprise!! Right your ‘sweet heart’ boyfriend is going to be there.(looks around)
Hello it’s my birthday party! How can i not guess that! (looks at LINDA face to face) something is telling me that’s not the reason why you called me urgently....
(High voice) what? Noo! (Cough coughs normal voice)I don’t really like your new boyfriend. I mean like i don’t want you to have a broken heart again, the last one was terrible, you get what I’m saying?
Oh Gosh! When will you ever let me live my happy life with him! Its been 2 months now! Everything has been great, he is always checking up on me, you know what NORMAL boyfriends would do

(Interrupts CHANTE talking fast) I’ve been spying on him for a couple of days which i know it was wrong but, i saw him with another girl kissing on a Friday night down the corner around there (points). And that girl was.....
LINDA who was it? If you don’t tell me now i will literally jump to conclusion and i shall think it was you....
It was MEL, i saw her flirting with him and she crossed the line by kissing him, but he never stopped her, it was almost as if he was enjoying it, you’re my best friend i had to tell you before it was too late and you find out that i knew and i never told you.
(Looks down at the ground depressed nothing to say)
Come on its better if we go home, to your house so i can keep in company with you, to help you cheer up.
(Looks up with a small smile, nods head)


  1. Merit
    This is a good start to your script. You have used some correct formatting and indentation.

    TO make this even better you need to make sure that you indent the dialogue so that it won't be mixed up with the actions
    Also make sure you have enough information about the action that happens

    Mr Monahan

    PS You also need to add your other script to your blog, plus all the other work that we have done

  2. Sorry sir i keep on forgetting to put up all my work, but somehow i will put them up. thank you by the way
