Friday 30 November 2012


The device I am going to discuss is quality of footage; we see this in the documentary when the quality looks HD (high definition). This makes the audience think that it is very interesting the quality so they can see the full action of the animals on what they do, and the colours which are nice and bright. High definition has been used to make it effective with the close ups. This shows us that a lot of people would find this more appealing if it had amazing quality for everyone to watch and that’s how the producers would get more viewers. This would appeal to the people who are adults, children and people who would like/need to find out more information about a certain animal this is because a lot of adults who would like to see what is going on in outside world or who are in love with animals. On the other hand, in a mockumentary we see the quality not in HD we see it in a bit of poor quality, for example we see this when, they made the filming seem real by instead of matching it with what the character is doing they move the camera very quick like it was not planned so it is a bit scruffy. This wants us to think that this a real life story about this certain person, with no script included and make the audience feel interested in a sort of way.

The second device I will be discussing is observation shot; they use different shot type, in the mockumentary they use Long shot because in the scene when the teenagers from Summer height high get into trouble and they have to go to the teachers office the camera person cannot go inside because it is a private talk and the camera people and not supposed to be filming so in order for us to see they had to film from the classroom glass/window. This makes the audience think that this show is very interesting, getting an exclusive view on what is going on; this shows us that to make it more believe able for the audience to watch they use long shot. This would appeal to teenagers who like to watch comedy, entertainment but not for children because they don’t use suitable language for children under age to watch for adults it is more suitable for them. However, on the documentary they use short shots because in Life – David Attenborough the camera is going on up close without anything having to be private or exclusive but we are looking over the shoulder say for example we this when the African men are collecting some honey, he is looking there should to see what is going on and telling the audience of the steps that they do because he wants to avoid the bee’s. This shows us that he is protecting us and letting us see it at the same time. The audience would feel very interested because they are learning what other culture’s do to collect food but maybe at the same time a bit nervous because anything could happen. This device is used similarly because the documentary and the mockumentary use related shot type but not entirely the same 

The third Device I will be talking about is interviews and narrator, the documentary ‘Tribe- with Bruce Perry’ they have used realistic narrating skills to let the audience who is watching it, know every detail of what he can see because the audience cannot clearly see everything that is happening. This would make the audience feel interested about this because, although they cannot clearly see what is going on, the description and the way it has been said brings a lot of tension. The reason why it says a lot of ‘erm’ is because parry is trying to describe and look at the same time on what is going on at the current scene. For the Mockumentary which is ‘Summer Heights High’ their speech is very informal, and their body attitude. The reason why we can’t hear the interviewer is because there is no interviewer, everything is scripted and unrealistic, so there is no point of have an interviewer.

Friday 23 November 2012


What was your presentation on?

My presentation was about a mockumentary called ‘The life of Alexia Demond’ and the presentation had basic information about what the mockumentary was about, it included the target audience, which I had done.

What section of the presentation did you plan?

The section of the presentation I had planned was, about the target audience. I included what age we want this mockumentary to be towards and only small bullet points about what this show is about.

What skills did you use when you stood in front of the class when you delivered your presentation?

The skill I used to present my presentation was my communicating skills because, while trying to show the audience what the mockumentary will be about, I had to interact with them so I didn’t lose their attention, I also used my body language, to show the audience some energy and not just standing still while trying to make my mockumentary sound not interesting.

How did you feel during the presentation?

At first I felt a bit worried because I felt that something might go wrong during the presentation, but halfway through, I started to gain confidence because I could some people in the audience are a little bit interested about what this mockumentary is about, in order for me to improve this I need to gain confidence from the beginning because, if I don’t feel confident from the start I may not gain any confidence during the presentation.