Friday 23 November 2012


What was your presentation on?

My presentation was about a mockumentary called ‘The life of Alexia Demond’ and the presentation had basic information about what the mockumentary was about, it included the target audience, which I had done.

What section of the presentation did you plan?

The section of the presentation I had planned was, about the target audience. I included what age we want this mockumentary to be towards and only small bullet points about what this show is about.

What skills did you use when you stood in front of the class when you delivered your presentation?

The skill I used to present my presentation was my communicating skills because, while trying to show the audience what the mockumentary will be about, I had to interact with them so I didn’t lose their attention, I also used my body language, to show the audience some energy and not just standing still while trying to make my mockumentary sound not interesting.

How did you feel during the presentation?

At first I felt a bit worried because I felt that something might go wrong during the presentation, but halfway through, I started to gain confidence because I could some people in the audience are a little bit interested about what this mockumentary is about, in order for me to improve this I need to gain confidence from the beginning because, if I don’t feel confident from the start I may not gain any confidence during the presentation.

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