Wednesday 10 October 2012

Draft 1


Kate Moreno, Cathy Gonzalez, Emma Cosgrove, Aminata Koroma

Act 1- Set up- Alexia is having a flashback of what happened in France, the fight between her and her ex-boyfriend. They are standing outside a block of flats and it is dark. They bare both slightly drunk and have just come home from clubbing. They are arguing because Alexia saw Damion kissing another girl in the club. Damion gets extremely angry and aggressive and pushes Alexia against the wall and punches her in the face. Then Alexia gets out a very sharp pocket knife and slices Damion’s arm and then runs off. All of a sudden Alexia wakes up from this nightmare and then gets started on her video log of her horrid life in Bermondsey. She introduces herself and plans how she going to bring down the Barbie’s because they are ruining her life. What she doesn’t realise things are about to get a lot worse…

Act 2- Conflict- on a Sunday evening Alexia is walking along smoking with a drink in her hand and the chavs see her then, they have fight about it and they take a picture of Alexia and it to the whole school, the principle manages to find out and wants to expel her, unfortunately Alexia cannot seem to get out of this situation because of the evidence that the chavs have taken of her drinking and smoking but she never gives up until she gets something her way…

Act 3- Alexia does not let that go in her way, and she has been planning a way to take down the chavs, so Alexia creates a plan by telling the principle that the girls photo shopped the whole thing and it was fake, since Alexia is a half-way point expert on lying after what she did to her ex-boyfriend and got away with it

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