Friday 12 October 2012

Final Treatment


Kate Moreno, Cathy Gonzalez, Aminata Koroma

Absent: Emma Cosgrove.

Act 1- Set up- Alexia is having a flashback of what happened in France, the fight between her and her ex-boyfriend. They are standing outside a block of flats and it is dark. They bare both slightly drunk and have just come home from clubbing. They are arguing because Alexia saw Damion kissing another girl in the club. Damion gets extremely angry and aggressive and pushes Alexia against the wall and punches her in the face. Then Alexia gets out a very sharp pocket knife and slices Damion’s arm and then runs off. All of a sudden Alexia wakes up from this nightmare and then gets started on her video log of her horrid life in Bermondsey. She introduces herself and the Chavs but she only mentions the main ones who are Chloe and Lexie, Alexia talks about how she plan to ‘bring’ down the Barbie’s because they are ruining her life. What she doesn’t realise things are about to get a lot worse…

Act 2- Conflict- On a Sunday evening Alexia is walking along smoking with a drink in her hand and the chavs see her then, they have fight about it and they take a picture of Alexia and send it to the whole school, the Principle manages to find out and wants to expel her, unfortunately Alexia cannot seem to get out of this situation because, of the evidence that the chavs have taken of her drinking and smoking. The next day when she goes to school all she sees is everyone staring at her, but Alexia doesn’t seem to understand why, the chavs walk up to her, laugh at her and walk away from Alexia, the Principle calls her to the office says nothing to Alexia but shows the picture, now Alexia seems to understand why everyone at school was staring at her, she tried to explain but the Principle wouldn’t believe her, and all the Principle said was ‘Tomorrow the police would like to talk to you about your inappropriate behaviour, you need to write a statement and if this picture is not real or you smoking and drinking you need proof otherwise you will be expelled’. She walks away with an angry face; she will not let any of the Chavs get away with it, until she gets it her way… 

Act 3-Since Alexia needs to see the police tomorrow and write a statement about the ‘truth’ she has been planning a way to take down the chavs, she is going to tell the Principle that they photo shopped the whole thing, by showing an old picture of her that looks very a like to similar picture but without her having a cigarette and a drink in her hand, and explain to the Principle and Police how they managed to include the main features in the picture, but mainly blame Chloe and Lexie, because they are the ones who make fun of her the most. The next day which is a Tuesday she talks to the police and Principle and they believed her because Alexia explained it so well and made it seem so real, Police and Principle Explain how sorry they were to Alexia and said that ‘we cannot expel all the girls especially Lexie and Chloe but we will exclude them for 2 weeks and give them a lot of work because if they do not complete it will be extended and given even more work’. Alexia could not have been anymore happy.

1 comment:

  1. Good work, you have used the 3 act structure and included relevant information.


    Target - remember that this is a mockumentary, this means you must use the appropriate conventions. You can only include footage of what takes place there and then, you can't create footage about things in the past - that would be a drama or a soap. How could you still communicate the ideas about the character's past but stick to the conventions of a mockumentary?
