Wednesday 13 March 2013

Group minutes

Minutes for marketing meeting

Agenda (information that will be discussed):

Date: 4/03/13

Present: Everybody is present

Item (what you are discussing)
Actions (ideas that were discussed with final decisions highlighted in yellow)
List of who is in your group and information about your company: name and contact details.
Group name: Five Star-Emma, Kate, Nazrina, Ore, Cathy and Maria
Info: Address: 55 Southwark Park Road, London, SE16 3TZ
Phone: 0207 237 9316
Roles and responsibilities in your group (team leader, scribe, feedback monitor, time monitor)
Team leader: Emma-well organised
Scribe: Cathy/ Kate- fast at typing
Time monitor: Nazrina/ Maria-They are good at keeping time.
Feedback monitor: Ore-Confident
Brainstorm the different methods of advertising your band/song with information about what you would do in that advert (at least 10 ideas).
-Itunes       -TV
-YouTube  -Radio
-Twitter      -Magazine
Summary of the product/artist you are advertising (who, genre, album, song, unique selling point, different target audiences, information about previous success)
-(Nazrina)Enrique Iglesias – Because is a good songwriter and inspires her, she also thinks he’s cute. Unfortunately, the rest of the group do not agree because he is not very well known in our age group.
1D- It just popped into her head randomly…
-(ore)JCole- Because he is a good songwriter and a good rapper, but not very well known In this country.
District 3- because they are from x factor and they sing well, but not a lot of people would like them because they are from x factor.
(Kate)Beyoncé-Because she is very well known worldwide, and everybody knows her songs.
-(Emma) Jessie J- because she is popular and she is confident when she sings.

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